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New Halloween Event Recharges Opinions

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

Hello! Recently, LN posted our new recharges we would be getting for our new Halloween event (Post with more info). In this post, I'll review the recharges and state my opinion if it's worth it or not.

First, of all, let's start with the 5 dollar recharge:

(No Makeup Included)

To be honest, I think it's super worth it. First of all, I love goth suits, so my opinion might be a little different than others, but I'll try my best to look at it through the view of other people.

The hair is pretty, it honestly doesn't look that versatile or flashy, so if you're someone who likes really flashy suits, I wouldn't go for this (most $5 recharges aren't that flashy anyways). It goes down until her knees, so it's pretty long, but still not too long.

Next, her dress is absolutely beautiful. For a $5 recharge, I think it's super worth it. I love the dark purple theme they used for it (especially for Halloween) and how much detail they added on the dress. On the down side, it may not be too versatile since there are less clothing pieces that match that shade of purple. I think I'd see myself using this quite often for dark themes, but aside from that, it wouldn't be too versatile; especially if you're someone who usually makes cute/happy outfits.

Next, the posed gloves. Personally, I'm really relieved to know that the gloves are posed, because if the dress was posed, it would make it really less versatile. With posed gloves, you can use it on many other dresses and outfits, so that's definitely a good thing about this event. Again, you would only be able to use this for Gothic themed suits, so if you don't style those a lot, I wouldn't recommend this for you.

What's a suit without accessories? On the picture, I could only see the gloves, headwear and earrings so I'll review those. The headwear is pretty, something I'd definitely use for a Gothic queen, it may be a little small, but it looks like you could use it often. The earrings are just beautiful, I love how they added a black rose and then added the earring part under it, it just made it unique and pretty in it's own way. Lastly, the necklace is "meh", we kinda already have a necklace like that and you can craft it in design crafting, it's from the suit Gothic Lolita (no diamonds needed for crafting the necklace). Personally, I think the necklace could be easily replaced with that one.

Lastly, the gloves and shoes. You can see the gloves in the posed version, it's just your average dark gloves, but it does have black roses embroidered on them, so that makes it somewhat unique. For her shoes, you can't really see them because of the dress, but you can assume they'd be those pretty but not unique black shoes.

Altogether, I think the dress and glove pose makes it worth it. The other items are things I wouldn't personally use, but maybe others would.

Now that we have reviewed the $5 suit, let's go to the $20-21 suit:



(Makeup Included)

It's pretty, but not sure why they'd put something so cute and heavenly for Halloween. Nevertheless, it's still something I'd buy.

First, let's start with the pose. To be honest, it doesn't look that versatile, but at the same time, most poses aren't anyways, so I can't complain about that. If the pose comes with her veil or whatever that thing is, I think it's value would go down a little more because you can't really use it for SC since it covers up quite a lot of space. If it comes without it, I think it would be great! Personally I think it's going to come with it, but I'm not entirely sure.

(sorry the pictures aren't aligned)

Next, let's look at her hair. The first picture shows her unposed hair while the second one shows posed. The unposed hair looks pretty unique. Most unposed aren't really flying in the air like this one does, I can already imagine some creative ideas I can post on SC with this, so it's pretty nice. I also like how they made it flying on the top and look natural at the same time.

For the posed hair, I personally really like it. Lots of people are saying that the hair's drawing style is old, but I don't really see it, so I can't agree with them. I know pink hairs may not be very versatile because of the unique colour, but I think I'd get the hair just for how good it looks.

The dress is really pretty and has such little details that makes it so gorgeous. My wardrobe doesn't have many skinny pink dresses and I don't think the game altogether as many itself, so I'd definitely get it. It kinda reminds me of a queen of some fantasy land and I can see myself using it for many stylings. So for me, this is something I would definitely get. If you personally don't like pink skinny dresses, then you might want to skip this.

The coat is pretty, I like how glittery and fluttery it is and how there's rings that go around it.

The makeup is honestly very pretty. I like how they used a shade of pink for the iris because the game really doesn't have many pink eyed makeups, so I personally think it's something really rare you can get at such a small price. Honestly, there's something weird about her lips, but at the same time, it's so beautiful. Is it just me or does her face kinda look like a meme face? XD

Back to topic, I like her pink blush and think it's quite cute. The makeup is definitely worth it.

Her veil looks so pretty, especially with pink and gold together, it looks so gorgeous! In terms of versatility, I don't think it'll be too versatile, but most veils aren't in the first place. Another thing I'd like to add is that I think the veil would be more versatile if the crown wasn't attached which I'm pretty sure it will be. In the end, I would have that veil in my closet just for how good it looks.

Lastly, her accessories are quite beautiful, but replaceable. The earrings are pretty small and so is her necklace, but again, they're beautiful.

Personally, I think this recharge is too good for something that's only $20-21, so I would recommend to get this. If you don't like this though or don't think you'll be able to use it often, then I would recommend to just skip it for now.

Thanks for reading this article and remember to like and comment for future content! :D

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